Online board meetings can be a convenient method for nonprofits and their staff members to conduct business. Like any other meeting, a number of factors can affect the productivity of an internet board meeting. This article provides tips for making your virtual board meetings productive and also outlines common pitfalls that can be avoided.

The lack of engagement

Many boards for nonprofits discover that they face challenges in keeping members who are not in the office. This is especially true when you’ve changed from face-toface meetings to remote sessions. Meetings can suffer from low participation if your board members aren’t accustomed to video-based communication or are struggling with the technology itself.

Reports from committees are often the least engaging parts of the agenda, which is why it’s difficult to get people to discuss them during the virtual meeting. Encourage your committee members to include in their reports a question or a request for feedback from the Board.

Inadequate meeting minutes

The appointed minutestakers of your board are responsible for ensuring that the most important discussions and decisions in the virtual meetings are documented in a clear, concise manner. They should be careful not to describe informal discussions or personal opinions and try to achieve an equilibrium between thoroughness and conciseness. It is also essential that your minutes are recorded exactly as they were, and that you have an established system to ensure secure storage of all documents, including governing documents, financial reports, and more. This will reduce confusion and improve accountability.

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